Local Florist Receives Lifesaving Heart Care
February 28, 2024

Normally when patients are in the hospital, they receive flowers from loved ones. But when our patients send flowers to the hospital after their care? That’s when we know we made a real difference!
It happened last year when Edward Coggins came to the Emergency Department and was quickly diagnosed as having a type of heart attack called an “NSTEMI” (Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction). This type of heart attack typically causes partial blockage of one of the coronary arteries and reduces the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle.
In this case, Rajiv Swamy, MD, interventional cardiologist, performed a cardiac catheterization, which showed that Edward had a 99 percent blockage of his right coronary artery. He received two stents and was moved to our ICU for the remainder of his hospital stay.
Edward and his family were very complimentary of the entire hospital staff who cared for him. After he was discharged home, flowers and candy soon arrived at the Cath Lab, along with a card. Which only makes sense, because Edward owns Ted’s Flower Basket on Vance Street in downtown Sanford.
“Thank you for all you did yesterday,” he wrote on the card.
Sometimes the care we provide literally makes a lifesaving difference! In celebration of Heart Month, thanks to everyone who teamed up to make it happen, from our Nurses and Doctors to the Lab and Pharmacy and beyond!